This is a short summary of the best food that can help add muscle and burn the fat, and a list of food that you should definitely stay away from. Great Food:
- Oatmeal
- Yams and sweet potatoes
- White or red potatoes
- Brown rice
- 100% whole wheat and whole grain products
- Green fibrous vegetables (broccoli, green beans, asparagus, lettuce, etc.)
- Fresh fruit
- Skim milk and non-fat dairy products
- Chicken breast and turkey breast
- Egg whites
- Fish and shellfish
- Lean red meat
- Ice cream
- Fried foods
- Donuts and pastries
- White sugar, candy, chocolates and sweets
- Soda
- Fruit drinks and other sweetened beverages
- Bacon and sausages
- White bread
- Potato chips, nachos, corn chips
- Hotdogs and fast food burgers
- Cookies, cakes and pies
- Sugary breakfast cereals