With 2008 coming to a close some of us may find us going into 2009 with some extra weight. So that you do not get too traumatized for the early 2009 workouts, let me direct you to some old posts on this blog (aka: recycle) that may give you some help. If you need help with some diet ideas, check this post, this one, try this one and finally this one. Need help with your goals? Go here and here. Need some combos to rev up your Thai boxing game? Go here. Finally check out this video that I am recycling, because I think it says a lot. In any case, from all of us at the Kombat Arts, have a great safe New Years and we look forward to sharing another great year with you guys! [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woOu_4l3lio&eurl=https://kombatarts.wordpress.com/?s=maybe&feature=player_embedded]