Hey Kombat Sorry I have been so busy and can't update the blog as often as I would like to.... Anyways here's an interesting contest. This one is sent to us by our dear friend Kru D.J.Dallaire from Pur Kombat (Arts in Milton). Partial Proceeds go to helping fund the Canadian National Kickboxing Team on their quest to Austria. [gallery link="file" columns="2"] ...Now for those of you lucky enough to be there on Wednesday, you might have been treated to something special. Joey and Raf brought in some of the top fighters around to help prep the team in a brutal sparring session to help ready these athletes for battle. Top boxers such as Pedro, Moe and Lexton joined the crusade by helping work their hands while a special guest, a former World Muay Thai Champion, helped out by sparring their Kickboxing. Let me tell you, it was one impressive evening. So let's support the team which includes a strong showing from Kombat Arts -- Sylwester, Paolo, Nenad and Max -- in whatever way we can. Ivano (...my apologies if I left anyone out, if I did email Joey or myself and let me know...Thanks)