[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Started my day at 7.00 AM with a quick meditation session, running along a mountain trail (which was short lived) and some light calisthenics. Grabbed some essential European breakfast and we are off to more weigh ins. It’s now 8.30 AM, which is 2.30 AM your time. My internal clock is all messed up, but strangely enough I feel really good. We have to go back and have a few of our guys weigh in again as they did not make weight on the 1st day. After the weigh ins we decided to check out downtown Villach. This meant eating, again J. We even had time to chill out in the cafes and have Apple Strudl and coffee. I have to say that the scenery is breath taking. Being surrounded by stores, you sometimes forget that you’re in a valley, being surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests. I took some piks, but they really don’t do the scenery justice. After making our way back to camp, we decided to put some of the athletes through training. I have to say that the group looks awesome. I predict that we will have great fights on Thursday. Ok I will post later on tonight. It is now 5.23 PM Austria time. I’m off for a massage. Hopefully it’s not some brute named Hans that will bend me in half. Than I’m off to downtown Villach or maybe we will jump ship across the border to Solvania. Have a great day Kombat Arts! Jd