Dragged my carcass out of bed today at a respectable hour. Still raining here. I think today I am going to build an Ark. Ever since I got here it's been raining. And man it's cold! I got to gain my weight back to stave off this cold. I weigh 145 lbs. The good thing is that last month I weighed 140 lbs. So I'm back up. My goal is to get back to my svelte 155lbs. So that is how I ended up at McDonalds. Actually it was the smell of fries and just plain interest. After a Big Mac combo and 2 extra cheese burgers, I was not interested any more :(. This was going to cost me later on.
I did some lame errands and than Josip and I hooked up, making our way to KB-1 for training. I put in my usual 4 rounds of 3 minutes, 30 sec rest on the bag. The last round was really lethargic. This was not a good sign. Than Mehdi dropped the bomb. I was going to hold pads for him, for 5 seven minute rounds with 1 rest! Time to digest my McDonalds! And he was going to wear weights on his ankles!
I have attached a video of the last 3 minutes of the last round. We are still going at a respectable pace. At the end of this I helped Mehdi out with some plyometrics. I concluded my own workout with pull ups, T-push ups, abs and neck exercises. Time to eat!
Again we find ourselves at the Persian restaurant. Going to gain that weight back! Besides my daily Aspirin and Cold F/X supplementation, I found myself popping some extra Advil. Soreness was already creeping into my muscles. I think I will take a HOT shower and crash early tonight. Tomorrow will be more training, and than downtown for an evening of debauchery and mischief-Jd