Ok, if you are only going to eat one meal a day, you mind as well do it right. Even though I advocate grazing continuously during the day, some people have neither the time, money or health to continue eating throughout the day. Lame excuses for sure, but for some significant road blocks.
First I want to state that I know nothing about nutrition and stuff like that. However I have been experimenting with the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler. I know it sounds really cool, but it sucks. You eat only one major meal in the day, and it is usually at the end of the day. I have been getting mixed results with it. If your goal is to get lean, you will for sure on this diet. However there is a fine line between fasting and starvation. All I can say is check it out for yourself. I am still evaluating my physical and mental performance. I will keep you guys informed about my research! Jd