Ok, sorry it took so long, but we have been so busy with paperwork and stuff...but we do have the results of the Muay Thai test conducted on April 10, 2010. Please note that the next testing date will be held on this date: June 5, 2010, at 1230 PM:
Green Level:
Neil Ortilla, Shivam Bhojak, Pral Bhojak, Ken Lee, James Masangala, Nicholas Dhillon, Domenic Valentini, Sasha Aitens, Eugene Kammenoy, Muharem Obradovic, Kunal Pun, Peter Aldanmaz, Samuel Narain, Gerry Gouveia
Green Advance Level:
Tobias Liu and Jessica Yuen
CONGRATS GUYS!! Kru Joey de Los Reyes