On behalf of the Kombat Arts, I would like to express our condolences to Brad Varsava, our Judo coach and his family for their recent loss. On June 5, 2010, Frank N. Varsava, Brad's father passed away. I have known Brad and his family for approximately 10 years. Brad has been my student in various martial arts, and until recently, Brad was my personal coach in Judo. I am happy to say that I also had the good fortune to interact with Frank. Frank is the kind of father that I really admired; he was always interested in Brad's progress and I recall many times discussing and joking about Brad's mishaps / progress in the martial arts. Just recently Brad and I were reflecting on how Frank used to drive Brad EVERYWHERE to pursue his martial arts career. Not many people may know this, but Frank was also a very active Judo player. His contribution to the martial arts community, his support of Brad in his hobbies and Frank's other sterling characteristics, to me make him a very special father and role model. Frank, I see a lot of these admirable traits in your son :) Frank you will be surely missed by many, but for sure we can all guarantee that you will live long in our memories. Again our heart and soul goes out to Brad and his family, and we are glad to give our support; the Kombat Arts family takes care of their own. It is after all our giri. If you are interested in attending the viewing, it will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2.00 to 4.00 PM and 6.00-8.00 PM. The funeral will be on Friday, June 11, at 11.00 AM. All of this will be held at The Simple Alternative, 1535 South Gateway Rd., Mississauga. 905.602.1580. Any inquiries can be directed to the Simple Alternative or you may contact me. Joey de Los Reyes