[gallery link="file"] So I have been having some fun training here at KB-1, doing some grappling and Muay Thai. It's actually a lot of material and it may take me some time to sift through it and apply it. Today I worked on some set ups with Mehdi in the ring. We worked on some aggressive offensive combos and some anti-clinch drills. We did 5 nine minute rounds. It was actually a lot of fun getting caned by Mehdi :) I also took the opportunity to film that chest workout I did during my training to get to 160 lbs. (I think I'm 180 now with all the food I have been eating). This program was made by JC Santana. I learned about it during his MMA strength conditioning certification program (BTW this program is awesome). This program is good for developing the upper body and lactic acid tolerance in the arms. I'll talk you through the program, because the audio is bad in the video. Any mistakes in the video are mine alone and are no reflection to JC and his associates. Start off with 20 push ups, 20 jab crosses, switch stance, 20 jab crosses, 10 flyes, switch stance, 10 flyes, and end with 10 jumping push ups. In this video I am completing my second set. I've tried to do 3 sets, with a minute break, and to be honest, it is VERY hard. You can find these cables hanging around the ring post. In any case, enjoy this program. Remember to make sure to maintain your form during the exercises. See you guys soon! Joey de Los Reyes [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_M-avEcbg]