Please take the time to look at this article. A few weeks a female athlete, Adrienne Simmons passed away after a Muay Thai bout. It is a very unfortunate event. I want to highlight this event because I think we should all be aware of the possible dangers that exist in our sport. Especially when we are not diligent with our training, procedures and safety measures. This is not to insinuate that the coaches and the fight organization was to blame for this incident. The episode is still under investigation, and we can all sit back and play “could have, should have etc” till we are blue in the face, but it won’t change anything. It is a terrible incident. We have good sparring rules at our club, with proper gear, and the CASK organization is very diligent when it comes to match making, gear, and safety procedures. But no one can guarantee absolute safety. Just rest assured that we at the Kombat Arts are quite diligent when it comes to progressive training, and the CASK organization is one of the best in the world when it comes to safety. Again our condolences go out to Adrienne's family and friends -jd