- Despite some objections to Lyoto Machida's cautious style, I agree with Jonathan Snowden when he writes that Machida's "MMA for the intellectual" is one of the best things about the sport. [SB Nation]
- Life-hacker guru (and BJJ student) Tim Ferriss talks with tech writer Avi Solomon about philosophers such as Mushashi Miyamoto and Lucious Seneca, and how to use philosophy as a personal operating system. [Four Hour Work Week]
- Struggling with the urge to binge on cheat meals? You don't have to fight it. You do, however, need to be educated about it. Here's a primer on how to cheat your diet, when to cheat, when you're not actually cheating at all, and more. [T Nation]
- No matter what your goals are, dealing with other people's negative energy is a surefire way to derail your progress. Surrounded by constant downers? Check these 7 simple tips to deal with negative people. [Zen Habits]
- The only thing that makes me happier than knowing Al Bundy (a.k.a. actor Ed O'Neil) is a Gracie black belt is knowing that Al Bundy sat down with Chuck Liddell to shoot the breeze about MMA over wine. You've never seen Liddell this candid. [Fighting Words]
- How are your New Year's fitness resolutions panning out? If you need some motivation or solid tips to push you from a plateau, Naked Strength's Suzy has you covered with this rousing open letter to all fellow fitness bloggers. [Naked Strength]