- Mayweather's KO of Ortiz was far from gentlemanly. But was it illegal? A lot of people are to blame for last night's boxing fiasco and fans may be unfairly dumping all the heat on Mayweather, who is always happy to play the villain. [Stiff Jab]
- Why the kung-fu monks are losing their religion. [The Independant]
- A new study indicates martial arts increases your resting antioxidant levels. [Charles Poliquin]
- Rampage Jackson writes about how proud he was to unify the PRIDE and UFC light heavyweight belts, and speaks his mind about the current champ, Jon Jones. [Yahoo! Sports]
- Sit-down interview/short film on Kyra Gracie and what it was like growing up a Gracie, how her uncles tried to persuade her from practicing jiu-jitsu, and more. [BJJ Hacks]
- To CrossFit or not to CrossFit? The great debate continues with this salvo from Eric Wong. [Eric Wong MMA]
- Jake vs. Jake! UFC Fight Night 25 recap and analysis. [Bloody Elbow]