Coach JD helping students get their kettlebell on at a free Kombat workshop last month
Coach JD from JD Training is back again in February with another set of free workshops for Kombat Arts members (non-members can attend for a fee of $10). In January, JD introduced you to the kettlebell (video above). This month, he'll be coaching on how to be kinder to your joints for better recovery and training.
Joint Mobility and Recovery - Coach JD
We train with intensity, and that's a great thing! But expecting your body to train hard, non-stop, every day with little or no attention towards recovery -- Prehab and Rehab -- is just reckless. Approaching training with this state of mind eventually leads to poor movement patterns, long term injuries and weakness, as we're only as strong as our weakest link.
Join Coach JD for a workshop focusing on the missing link in your training - "Joint Mobility & Recovery: An Introduction".
In this workshop, we'll be discussing the difference between Flexibility vs. Joint Mobility, Foam Rolling/Myofascial Release, Activation and Joint Mobility's Role and Place within your own training.
Of course, what workshop by Coach JD is complete without a little Movement and Application?
Friday, February 24 at 7:30 p.m.
and Wednesday, February 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Free for Kombat Arts Members
$10 for non-members
*Workshops are limited to 20 students each
By online registration only. REGISTER NOW
A Mobile Body is A Pain-Free and Able, Zombie-Slaying Body*
- JD