*EDIT: Based on the latest revised drawings, Sahil Sharma’s Friday night bout in light contact has been declared a “walk-over” as his opponent has withdrawn from the tournament.
The rest of the schedule remains unchanged.
Hey guys, here's the itinerary for Team Kombat this weekend at the Toronto Pro SuperShow, courtesy of Kru Brian:
The 2012 Toronto PRO SuperShow will host Ontario’s first ever amateur mixed martial arts championship! The highlight of this premiere combative event will occur on the evening of Saturday June 2nd. The Council of Amateur Sport Kickboxing (CASK) is promoting a night time show featuring North America’s top strikers in kickboxing and AMMA!
Both Marco Capobianco and Kunal Pun (2012 National Champs) will be part of the Night Time Show (Night Time show is not included in your admission to the Supershow, must buy and additional ticket for this).
Here is the schedule of all our athletes this weekend: (This may change depending on revised drawings)
Friday Night 7pm
Sahil Sharma in a Light Contact Bout
Saturday 7pm
Marco Capobianco in a Low Kick Open Class Bout
Kunal Pun in a K1 Semi-Final Novice Bout
Sunday 10am
Matt Jackson in a Tatami AMMA Bout
Sunday 12pm
Sahil Sharma in a Low Kick JR Bout
Nicholas Mazzoli in a Low Kick Intermediate Bout
Danele Osti-Akoto in a K1 Bout
* * *
Here is an article about the Saturday Fight Night.
Check here for ticket information.
Come out and support your fellow athletes!
Kru Brian Naidu
For more info on AMMA, check out our interview with AMMA council president Kru Joey de Los Reyes: [Part 1] [Part 2]