Kombat Arts is offering a FREE workshop on Multiple Attackers for security and law enforcement officer members.
Thursday, Oct 25, 8-10 p.m.
Fighting is not static, it's not even dynamic, it's chaotic. Multiple Assailant fights are probably the most chaotic fight situation one can be in. It is also often life threatening. The key to defeating multiple assailants is believing you can. The bottom line of Multiple Assailant strategy is cause the chaos without becoming a part of it. In order to do this we must not only condition our bodies and minds, but our senses also. While some of the techniques and principles discussed below may seem brutal, they are often necessitated by the dynamics of the situation itself. Remember, in Multiple Assailant attacks the defenders goal is often survival itself.
During this course you will learn
- Mind Set
- TimeframingTM
- PhysiokineticsTM
- General Strategy
- Pre-Attack Indicators
- Pre-Multiple Indicators
- Foot work