We are expanding our BJJ schedule at Kombat Mississauga. We will be adding some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 101, aka Beginner classes on Mon and Wed nights. Here is the schedule, starting Apr 15 2013: -Monday 6.00p-7.00 (beginners), 7.00p-8.30p (intermediate / advance) -Tuesday 12.00p-1.00p (mixed) -Wednesday 7.00p-8.00 (beginners), 8.00p-9.30p (intermediate / advance) -Thursday 12.00p-1.00p, 7.00p-8.30p (mixed) -Saturday 12.00p-1.30p (beginners) This class is for those with less than 3 strips on their white belt. It is also still a recommended class for intermediate and advanced students. Intermediate and advanced students can benefit from the drilling of basic foundation techniques, and keep this is mind: "there is no such as an advanced technique, only a beginner technique done very well". Most if not all of these classes will be taught by Amir Yafawi. What can a beginner in brazilian jiu jitsu expect from these classes? Check out this video. Better yet, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel to check out more martial arts and fitness videos. Cross Choke from the Mount