So as you may know, I am writing a series of posts on goal setting, nutrition and intensity. In this post, I will give you 3 tips to improve your nutrition.
Most athletes train pretty consistently, and they also usually train hard. But the one area that they fail in, sabotaging their hard earned work in the gym, is in nutrition. I want to take the time to share some tips that will help with your nutrition.
Get Professional Help. Seriously, hire a nutritionist. There is a lot of information circulating out there, on the Internet, amongst your friends and family, from the local gym regulars and books and magazines. Some of it true, some myths, some may actually apply to you. With so much information, it can be very confusing for the individual. And remember you are very unique. You need a plan that is custom made for you.
I found that I made my best gains when I took on the help of a nutritionist. Some of my concerns that were readily addressed were: food timing, when to take my supplements, healthy, natural sleep aids, dealing with inflammation and injuries and much more. And I found their services to be readily inexpensive, considering the fact that they were probably making my "insides" work so much better, potentially adding many years to my life. How can you really put a price tag on that?
Learn to Cook. To me, the kitchen was an area for improvised weapons in case of a zombie apocalypse. Now it's slowly becoming one of my favorite areas. Learning how to cook can be pretty intimidating. But nowadays there are so many sources out there that can supply you with easy healthy recipes. When I first started out, I bought this book: Cooking for College Students: A Beginner's Guide
I know, laughable. It was not really the healthiest choice out there. But it definitely helped me get a feel for the kitchen, how to shop, and what I needed around the kitchen. There are tons of books like this out there. The most important thing about cooking? Be willing to experiment and make mistake. Also with more practice, you will be a more efficient cook. Learning to cook will save you a lot of money from eating out, and you will have a general idea of what is actually going into your meals.
Piss Poor Planning Promotes Piss Poor Performance. This is a military saying that can be pretty much applied to everything. Take a look at this picture.
Every few days after grocery shopping, I spend some time preparing some meals for the next few days.
You have to make the time for this. If you don't make time to go grocery shopping and prep your meals, it will be so easy for you to cheat by stopping by some random fast food place to eat. Yes it takes time and effort, but if you want a healthy life, this is the price you have to pay. Here are some small tips to make your life easier:
I usually make a big pot of rice, yams or quinoa that I can use for meals for the next few days. I also do this with my chicken and fish.
I only buy a few groceries, because I don't want stuff to go bad in my fridge. Pretty much when I buy stuff, I try to cook or prep right away. I also only buy a few fruits, again I don't want stuff to go bad, and I like the option of going to grocery store every few days and mixing up my choices.
Sometimes if I'm pressed for time I cheat by buying a large salad and a roasted chicken. The salad and the chicken is usually good for a few meals. All I need to do is Tupperware it.
Another part of being prepared is being prepared to "fail" and make conscious choices. So for example, if I am not able to cook, and I obviously need to eat, I know where the nearest grocery stores are to my home and work, so I can go and grab that salad and roasted chicken.
If I have to actually eat out, or if I am tired of cooking, I'm usually mentally prepared as to what types of meals I should order. That's being prepared. Having many options in case your best option, in this cooking, does not pan out.
Most people have a basic idea of what to eat and what to avoid. But that's not enough. There are so many facets of nutrition that are unique to you. That's why I recommend a nutritionist. Learning to cook is very important, because it allows you a certain degree of control of what you are consuming, you can save money and you can take pride in knowing that you are making essential steps to improving your health. And finally you have to make an effort to be prepared. Designate days for grocery and supplement shopping, and cooking. And make preparations in case you fail.
The Kombat Arts will be hosting a few workshops on nutrition. Please help us out by filling out this form so that we can cater these workshops for you.
Please fill out my form.
Kru Joey de Los Reyes