My buddy Nuno de Salles from Sweat Elite came by for a private lesson in Muay Thai. Nuno is a great trainer, and he initially helped me to get my goal of deadlifting 405lbs, which I easily passed...eventually deadlifting 415lbs. Nuno also trained notable TV and movie actors, notably, Kit Harrington (from Game of Thrones) and Keifer Sutherland (from 24) for the movie Pompeii. So trust me...Nuno knows his stuff. His tip of the week? Before you start training, get a PROPER ASSESSMENT. Nuno and I also discussed 2 other great qualities to get in great shape: CONSISTENCY and HAVE A SPECIFIC GOAL. Thank you JSNJAY DESIGN at for the great video work! If you enjoyed this video, please Like and Share. Thank you!