There are many ways to train the grappling arts. Having trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, submission grappling, Combat Submission Wrestling and trained a lot of people for self defense and Use of Force for law enforcement personnel for a long time, I have seen it trained in the following ways:
- Traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, with a Gi
- No Gi BJJ, obviously Brazilian Jiu Jitsu without a Gi
- Grappling for Mixed Martial Arts
- Grappling for self defense, sometimes called Groundfighting
- Grappling for Law Enforcement and Military Personnel
Today let us look at grappling for self defense.
Most self defense experts do not advocate taking the fight to the ground, especially in a self defense situation. Here are some of their reasons:
Environment. Training on the mats is obviously totally different then grappling on concrete. Have you tried break falling on asphalt? Also there can be glass, the surface can be uneven, and both parties can use the environment against each other. You can be drowned in a puddle or even snow. Watch how the environment is used in this brutal video.
Weapons. Dealing with a weapon can be extremely difficult. It can be potentially be worse on the ground. Imagine having someone in your guard, and they cut your femoral artery. Such a devastating wound can potentially kill you in minutes.
Multiple Attackers. You might take one person down, but what about his friends? There have been countless accounts of people defending themselves by taking their attacker down to the ground, gaining the mount or knee on stomach position, only to be kicked in the head by their attacker's friend.
So those are the main reasons why experts do not like grappling on the streets. But what are the reasons to grapple on the street? Check out this video from Stephan Kesting of
Grapple Arts
How about you? Would you take it to the ground in a self defense situation?
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