Hi Everyone, This month, we are pleased to have an interview with one of our long-standing members, Justin Ramlochan. Read about his fascinating and inspiring journey into Martial Arts:
1) When did you first decide to join Kombat Arts?
I joined in January 2007.
2) Why did you seek to join a martial arts gym?
I have always been involved in competitive sports all my life whether in a team capacity or individual. I love challenges, trying new things and expanding my boundaries. Lifting weights and running on treadmills just does not motivate me. In 2007, the UFC was on the uptick and it is something that I wanted to investigate. I remember sitting in a university lecture and decided to Google “MMA gym in Mississauga” and Kombat Arts popped up. On my way home I decided to pop into Kombat Arts where I met Joey. Joey told me to come to his evening Muay Thai class which I did. The rest is history. Seven years later and it was the best thing I have searched on Google to date.
3) What is your favourite class and why?
My favorite class is Muay Thai. The cardio aspect of the art and the physical and mental demands on the body are unrivaled. I remember when I first walked into Kombat Arts I told Joey that I was in pretty good shape with my other activities and that it should be an easy transition to Muay Thai. Boy was I wrong. After my first week in Muay Thai I hurt in places I didn’t even know existed. I believe within 4 months I went from close to 170 pounds to just under 150.
4) How often do you train at Kombat Arts?
In my earlier days I would aim at 5 days a week. Over the last few years, due to work and life constraints, I am more in the 3-4 days a week range. Now I have shifted my schedule to attend the lunch hour Muay Thai classes rather than the evening classes. Upside to this is that it breaks up my work days, downside is that I have taken myself out of a lot of sparring and fighter classes I use to enjoy. Guess when you get older your priorities need to evolve. :-)
5) What is your favorite component/aspect of Kombat Arts? (The classes, the instructors, the students, the atmosphere, etc...)
All aspects of the club are enjoyable or I wouldn’t have stuck around so long. For me, Kombat Arts has helped me deal with many of life’s difficulties. Within two years of joining Kombat Arts (at age 24) I had lost my father to heart condition. His passing away was sudden and unexpected. He actually had golfed 36 holes in Cuba the week prior. My parents were separated from a young age and I was living with my father on a fulltime basis from the ages of 12-24. I have one brother who was pursuing his law career in England so it was just me and my dad living at home. My father also was the owner of a relatively large telecom company which he had started in 1977. Upon his passing I was left with a business to run (or sell), a home to downsize, and the realities of the real world to face. It has been 5 years since my father has passed away and I am still running his business. Despite how difficult it can be at times, all it takes is a one hour Muay Thai class at lunch and conversing with one of the stellar personnel in the club to get myself focused and back on track. Surrounding yourself with good people with common interests can do wonders for achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. This to me - is what I thank Kombat Arts for.
6) Why should others join?
Kombat Arts is not the run of the mill Good Life Fitness. For those with motivation issues, Kombat can surely help push down those barriers. The class environments encourage you to strive and keep up with your fellow classmates. Also, one of the most important elements of the training at Kombat is that you gain functional and useful strength/techniques.
7) What benefits have you learned/garnered from being a part of Kombat?
I would say one of the most important things I have learned is discipline and self-composure. This has helped me in the work environment in particular, as I do not get flustered or stressed when things do not go my way. I rather take a step back from the problem and look for “work-arounds” or other ways to turn a problem into an opportunity.

THANK YOU Justin for your time and insightful interview!
ARTICLE BY: Alice Soon @AliceSoon1