Boxing Weight Training
Check out this week's
boxing coach,
Socrates Celestial. In this week's tip, he discusses how to get the best of both worlds: boxing and weight training. A lot of people are pressed for time, so sometimes it is necessary to fuse these two worlds together. However, remember that this is basically trying to cover both worlds, you are not going to necessarily get stronger, or improve your technique with this style of training, but you are going to have a great workout.
When doing boxing weight training, try to use light weights, or exercise bands. Here is an example of some boxing weight training in this video:
[sd_video id="OPMdY8ZsbzY" type="youtube"]
Always be safe when handling these weights. It's better to start with a lighter weight, and make sure not to hyperextend the joints.
If you are looking for more information on weight training for martial arts or boxing, then check out this article that I wrote for
Strong Athlete.
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