KOMBAT ARTS Padwork Sessions
How do you know that you are getting better? Is there a special technique that you need expert advice on? Now at KOMBAT ARTS, we are offering video taped Padwork Sessions for Boxing or Muay Thai.
Here is an example of Kru Joey holding the paddles for boxing athlete Lisette Gonzalez. We are working a specific technique, and it is video taped for Lisette's record so that she can refer to it and practice these skills.
[sd_video id="6LitvR3tWQ0" type="youtube"]
The KOMBAT ARTS Padwork Sessions are conducted by a coach and we use a GoPro to tape the sessions for your record. It's a great opportunity because:
- You have someone that KNOWS how to hold pads for you.
- Expert analysis and breakdown of your technique.
- Later on you can refer to the material and drill the stuff that you and the coach worked on.
- Technique
- Simulate a fight
- Work on a particular challenge (how to deal with a south paw, how to improve your defense)
- Prepare for your tests
- Just SMASH something!